*******www.queerfemtagesind. org****** *www.queerfemtagesind.org* ****
In 15 days, 8 hours, 12 minutes und 23 seconds it is time...no, no European men's football championship, no olympia-spectacle and also no national elections between crap and right-wing total madness, but:
the q u e e r - f e m i n i s t D a y s V i e n n a begin.
Everybody is invited - without regard to age, gender, size of shoe, job, origin, taste, education, hair length, sexuality, income, looks, favourite colour and other (im)possible categories. Come around, speak up, politicise, resist, participate, help, discuss, celebrate, think outside the box, drink, eat, create resistance, have fun, quarrel, be subversive, collectivize yourselves, fret about social conditions, oppose, do it (for) yourselves, question apparent matters of course, just be there!
- When//
From Wednesday 10th September till Sunday, 14th September in Vienna
- Times&Actions/ /
Infocafe. Open Wednesday 12am till Saturday
Workshops. From 11:30am-1:30pm and 2pm-4:30pm and on Saturday 5pm-7:30pm
As well Parties. (Almost) every evening
Open Space. Again and again
Dyke March. Friday at 4 pm
Sexparty. Friday, starting 9pm. At the Element6. For female queers and trans*genders
Counterculture. Right in the middle and in between
Sleeping. Sleepingplace- exchange via wwww.queerfemtagesind.org
Eating. Breakfast daily from 9:30am, community kitchen daily at different places
- Posters&Flyers/ /
Attached with this mail or at http://qft.fsinf.at/texte/material/plakat-buttons-A1-ende.jpg/view or to be collected at the Austrian Student's Union (ÖH) of the University Vienna (9., University Campus Altes AKH; Hof 1, behind the Billa-Supermarket). Paste, distribute, give away, mail, help us to adorn the city!
- Places//
Gewi: Infocafe, Frauencafe, EKH, w23/que[e]r, TüWi, MareaAlta, RosaLilaVilla, H.u.S., Amerlinghaus, PhiloKora, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Element6, Kostnixladen, Prater
- Do it yourself//
Assistance is called for, with offering sleeping places, with distributing flyers and posters, with spreading the word and forwarding this email, on location with preparing breakfast, brewing coffee, providing directions and cutting onions as well as with intervening in the case of sexist, racist, homophobic,. .. assaults. To make it possible that we can, at least for a few days, create a space, in which such behaviour is not the norm, but self-determination, collectivity and respect for each other is. Hierarchies, inequalities and constraints shall have no place! For people who want to provide help during the days there will be a first meeting on Wednesday, 10.09. at 4pm at the w23/que[e]r. Obviously one can always notify the people at the Infocafe and we will tell you where something needs to be done.
-For all else//
Contact: qft(a)queerfemtagesind.org
More info: http://www.queerfemtagesind.org/
.en detail.:
THE DAYS: workshops//debates/ /events// counterculture
-Pre-Premiere/ /
Tuesday, 9.9: magazine presentation of Frauensolidaritä t (women's solidarity): Queer in the human rights' discourse
- Prelude//
Wednesday, 10.9. 4pm helping hands-meeting and afterwards movie/tv afternoon on gender roles till open end at the W23/QU[E]ER.
Later: community kitchen, talking, sharing, planning
- Workshops//
11.-13.9. daily from 11am-1:30pm and 2-4:39pm and Saturday also from 5-7:30pm: (specific places and times shortly at: www.queerfemtagesind.org)
Thursday: Indesign-Workshop_ Open Space:Relationship concepts,Polyamory_ Safer
Sex_ wasn't/isn't feminism essentially queer?_trousers- zip-sewingsession
Friday: Open Space:Gender Studies_Grappling_ Alternative Fotolovestory_ InternetSecurity _Desire, Identity,
Body_Screenprinting _4pm:
Dyke March
Saturday: Latent Prostitution_ Men critically (re)viewed_ Creation of Sex?Gender?_ Antisemitism& Gender_Anarchafe minism-Queer Politics-Solidary Economy_Sextoy DIY_Bondage_ Strategies of queer language instruction in
the context of German as foreign language
- Chill-Out//
Sunday, 14.9. 12am in 2nd district, Böcklinstraße 1 / Kurzbauergasse 9 (AKADEMIE DER BILDENDEN KÜNSTE): Filmbrunch, 3pm soccer in the PRATER, 5pm City Walk on Black Austrian History (t.b.c.) 7pm Frauencafe: reading and cosy get-together, farewell
THE NIGHTS: counterculture/ /get-together/ /parties/ /sexparty
*Prelude: Wednesday evening at the W23/QU[E]ER: community kitchen, talking, sharing, planning
*Thursday 6 pm at the TÜWI: Bildwechsel- Cinema; Barbecue; Ms. Chra (solo), Petra und der Wolf (Concert); Lick me happy (Performance) ; Cabaret TingelTangel (Performance) ; dj_s *Friday 9 pm at the MAREA ALTA: literary queertett, dj_s
*Friday 9pm at the ELEMENT6: sexparty for female queers and trans*genders
*Saturday 7pm at the EKH: community kitchen; Homo-Risk (Performance) ;
Freie Radikale Reduced, A.J.Shanti, Pop:sch [Con Gas], Fatal Attribution Error (t.b.c.) (Concerts); Open Stage; Quote (dj_s)
*Chill out: Sunday 7pm at the Frauencafe: reading and cosy get-together
...coming soon... the complete programme can be admired soon at our website... coming soon... the exact places, info on accessibility und detailed info on the particular workshops and actions are coming soon... watch out... (city)maps and directions before long... at:
- Infocafe and Infopoint//
open from Wednesday 12am till Saturday
GEWI / Unicampus
daily breakfast starting 9:30am
info, networking, meeting place, information desk, chill out
Friday afternoon and evening: community kitchen
You are welcome to participate here as well! If you have flyers,
Booklets or zines, which you want to put on the information desk bring everything
Along and make it public!
Akademie der Bildenden Künste: 2., Böcklinstraße 1 / Kurzbauergasse 9
Amerlinghaus: 7., Stiftgasse 8
EKH: 10., Wielandgasse 2-4
Element6: 7., Kaiserstraße 95
Frauencafe: 8., Lange Gasse 11
Gewi: 9., Universitätscampus Altes AKH, Hof 2, Spitalgasse 2-4, Tel.:
H.u.S.: 1., Rathausstraße 19-21
Kostnixladen/ v.e.k.k.s: zentagasse 26
Marea Alta: 6., Gumpendorferstraß e 28
Philo-Kora: 1., Universitätsstraß e 7, Neues Institutsgebä ude (NIG)
Prater: Prater
RosaLilaVilla: 6., Wienzeile 102
Tüwi: 19., Peter-Jordan 76 / Ecke Dänenstrasse
w23/que[e]r: 1., Wipplingerstrasse 23
***For detailed information and the most current news sneak a peek at
____________ _________ _________ _
In 15 days, 8 hours, 12 minutes und 23 seconds it is time...no, no European men's football championship, no olympia-spectacle and also no national elections between crap and right-wing total madness, but:
the q u e e r - f e m i n i s t D a y s V i e n n a begin.
Everybody is invited - without regard to age, gender, size of shoe, job, origin, taste, education, hair length, sexuality, income, looks, favourite colour and other (im)possible categories. Come around, speak up, politicise, resist, participate, help, discuss, celebrate, think outside the box, drink, eat, create resistance, have fun, quarrel, be subversive, collectivize yourselves, fret about social conditions, oppose, do it (for) yourselves, question apparent matters of course, just be there!
- When//
From Wednesday 10th September till Sunday, 14th September in Vienna
- Times&Actions/ /
Infocafe. Open Wednesday 12am till Saturday
Workshops. From 11:30am-1:30pm and 2pm-4:30pm and on Saturday 5pm-7:30pm
As well Parties. (Almost) every evening
Open Space. Again and again
Dyke March. Friday at 4 pm
Sexparty. Friday, starting 9pm. At the Element6. For female queers and trans*genders
Counterculture. Right in the middle and in between
Sleeping. Sleepingplace- exchange via wwww.queerfemtagesind.org
Eating. Breakfast daily from 9:30am, community kitchen daily at different places
- Posters&Flyers/ /
Attached with this mail or at http://qft.fsinf.at/texte/material/plakat-buttons-A1-ende.jpg/view or to be collected at the Austrian Student's Union (ÖH) of the University Vienna (9., University Campus Altes AKH; Hof 1, behind the Billa-Supermarket). Paste, distribute, give away, mail, help us to adorn the city!
- Places//
Gewi: Infocafe, Frauencafe, EKH, w23/que[e]r, TüWi, MareaAlta, RosaLilaVilla, H.u.S., Amerlinghaus, PhiloKora, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Element6, Kostnixladen, Prater
- Do it yourself//
Assistance is called for, with offering sleeping places, with distributing flyers and posters, with spreading the word and forwarding this email, on location with preparing breakfast, brewing coffee, providing directions and cutting onions as well as with intervening in the case of sexist, racist, homophobic,. .. assaults. To make it possible that we can, at least for a few days, create a space, in which such behaviour is not the norm, but self-determination, collectivity and respect for each other is. Hierarchies, inequalities and constraints shall have no place! For people who want to provide help during the days there will be a first meeting on Wednesday, 10.09. at 4pm at the w23/que[e]r. Obviously one can always notify the people at the Infocafe and we will tell you where something needs to be done.
-For all else//
Contact: qft(a)queerfemtagesind.org
More info: http://www.queerfemtagesind.org/
.en detail.:
THE DAYS: workshops//debates/ /events// counterculture
-Pre-Premiere/ /
Tuesday, 9.9: magazine presentation of Frauensolidaritä t (women's solidarity): Queer in the human rights' discourse
- Prelude//
Wednesday, 10.9. 4pm helping hands-meeting and afterwards movie/tv afternoon on gender roles till open end at the W23/QU[E]ER.
Later: community kitchen, talking, sharing, planning
- Workshops//
11.-13.9. daily from 11am-1:30pm and 2-4:39pm and Saturday also from 5-7:30pm: (specific places and times shortly at: www.queerfemtagesind.org)
Thursday: Indesign-Workshop_ Open Space:Relationship concepts,Polyamory_ Safer
Sex_ wasn't/isn't feminism essentially queer?_trousers- zip-sewingsession
Friday: Open Space:Gender Studies_Grappling_ Alternative Fotolovestory_ InternetSecurity _Desire, Identity,
Body_Screenprinting _4pm:
Dyke March
Saturday: Latent Prostitution_ Men critically (re)viewed_ Creation of Sex?Gender?_ Antisemitism& Gender_Anarchafe minism-Queer Politics-Solidary Economy_Sextoy DIY_Bondage_ Strategies of queer language instruction in
the context of German as foreign language
- Chill-Out//
Sunday, 14.9. 12am in 2nd district, Böcklinstraße 1 / Kurzbauergasse 9 (AKADEMIE DER BILDENDEN KÜNSTE): Filmbrunch, 3pm soccer in the PRATER, 5pm City Walk on Black Austrian History (t.b.c.) 7pm Frauencafe: reading and cosy get-together, farewell
THE NIGHTS: counterculture/ /get-together/ /parties/ /sexparty
*Prelude: Wednesday evening at the W23/QU[E]ER: community kitchen, talking, sharing, planning
*Thursday 6 pm at the TÜWI: Bildwechsel- Cinema; Barbecue; Ms. Chra (solo), Petra und der Wolf (Concert); Lick me happy (Performance) ; Cabaret TingelTangel (Performance) ; dj_s *Friday 9 pm at the MAREA ALTA: literary queertett, dj_s
*Friday 9pm at the ELEMENT6: sexparty for female queers and trans*genders
*Saturday 7pm at the EKH: community kitchen; Homo-Risk (Performance) ;
Freie Radikale Reduced, A.J.Shanti, Pop:sch [Con Gas], Fatal Attribution Error (t.b.c.) (Concerts); Open Stage; Quote (dj_s)
*Chill out: Sunday 7pm at the Frauencafe: reading and cosy get-together
...coming soon... the complete programme can be admired soon at our website... coming soon... the exact places, info on accessibility und detailed info on the particular workshops and actions are coming soon... watch out... (city)maps and directions before long... at:
- Infocafe and Infopoint//
open from Wednesday 12am till Saturday
GEWI / Unicampus
daily breakfast starting 9:30am
info, networking, meeting place, information desk, chill out
Friday afternoon and evening: community kitchen
You are welcome to participate here as well! If you have flyers,
Booklets or zines, which you want to put on the information desk bring everything
Along and make it public!
Akademie der Bildenden Künste: 2., Böcklinstraße 1 / Kurzbauergasse 9
Amerlinghaus: 7., Stiftgasse 8
EKH: 10., Wielandgasse 2-4
Element6: 7., Kaiserstraße 95
Frauencafe: 8., Lange Gasse 11
Gewi: 9., Universitätscampus Altes AKH, Hof 2, Spitalgasse 2-4, Tel.:
H.u.S.: 1., Rathausstraße 19-21
Kostnixladen/ v.e.k.k.s: zentagasse 26
Marea Alta: 6., Gumpendorferstraß e 28
Philo-Kora: 1., Universitätsstraß e 7, Neues Institutsgebä ude (NIG)
Prater: Prater
RosaLilaVilla: 6., Wienzeile 102
Tüwi: 19., Peter-Jordan 76 / Ecke Dänenstrasse
w23/que[e]r: 1., Wipplingerstrasse 23
***For detailed information and the most current news sneak a peek at
____________ _________ _________ _
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